Thursday, January 19, 2006

Elevator Rules

Elevator Rules?

I'd compare this site to the rules imposed by Emily Post or some such uptight nitwit. Given the need for etiquette and societal norms today, I can see where some of these 'rules' (which I argue should be guidelines...) are, in fact, needed. Some of the 'rules' are just common sense. However, others aren't too well thought out.

For example, there's one rule that states that a person who is ill should simply wait until the elevator is free of others before riding. Um, ok. What if someone gets on at the next floor? What if you pass out trying to get to your damn doctor appointment because you were trying not to infect anyone else with ebola?

And, Moose, a long-time reader, first time caller, shares my frustration, when he declares in the comments section:

moose Says:
December 16th, 2005 at 3:53 pm
"what, no discussion of farting?!"

I agree, Moose. Sing it loud and sing it proud, brother! My advice, that the Elevator Rules site is so quick to leave out is that one can always point to the little old lady in the corner while fanning oneself. But, what if, by some circumstance, substantial evidence points directly to you? What do you do then, oh wise tome of knowledge? Ain't got that answer, do ya?

All I'm saying is that if you're going to put a web site up declaring "rules" and then publish a book on it, you better cover every angle.

'nuff said.



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