Thursday, January 12, 2006

Another Brick in the Wall

I've been suffering/recovering from a cold all week. The past few nights have been quick blurs of drug-induced sleep. Ah, better living through chemistry (screw you, Tom Cruise and the Scientologists you rode in on).

Of course, now it seems my wife is getting my cold. Like that wasn't inevitable. Despite my best efforts to keep my distance from both her and the kids, she's getting it anyway. I'm hoping the newest one doesn't get it, but I'm thinking he's doomed.

Still, I feel better today and I'm at work (and actually doing work...can't you tell?). I'm trying to get some things done around here this week while management is out of town. Next week, it's gonna be a freak show around here. The BIG BOSS is coming in for a few days. He's British, so you just know he's got a great sense of humor, likes to share his feelings, and is all warm and cuddly. Despite his warm personality, he hasn't been real big on the changes we've made around here the past month or so. We redesigned the entire office, built a training room, a new super-sized conference room, and a few new offices.

Oh, and I got a wall.

Yes, that's right. A wall. Not an office, just a wall that goes about 3/4 the way across the space where my makeshift cube used to be. Now, I have a pseudo-office. Why not a real office? There's this long-held belief at our corporate office that no one except those deemed worthy (read: management) are to have an office. Since I'm the IT guy for this branch office, I naturally have a lot of crap: computers, patch cables, printers, monitors, etc. Basically anything with a power cord.

My pseudo office is located right outside the VP's office, so it's in direct line of the suits that come in and out of the place. The first thing they always see is the load of crap that I have. I had been asked several times if I could just hide it. "Um, where?" I always ask. At that, they suddenly remember an appointment or a phone call they have to make and scurry off.

Yes, before you ask, I tried to get a full office, with a door and window and everything, but the aforementioned nice British man wouldn't allow it because lackeys of my diminished status at HQ would NEVER be allowed an office. So, I get a wall.

Now that my wall is constructed, several people have pointed out that since I don't have a door, that you can still see all my crap. At this point I usually take a breathe, count to ten, and resist the temptation to punch them in the face. Ever notice how people have a tremendous talent for pointing out the obvious?

As of this writing, the wall isn't quite finished. I'm tempted to tell the construction workers to cut out an order window so I can ask my coworkers if they'd like fries with that e-mail account. The wall will likely be finished today, they say, but if you ask me, until it has a door, it will never be done.



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