Monday, January 16, 2006

Star Trek + ColumbiaHouse = What?

I'm sleep-deprived this morning. Insomnia combined with a fussy RTC didn't allow me to get to sleep until about 4am.

Though bleary-eyed and feeling hungover (no drinking involved, I swear...) I somehow managed to make it to work. Feeling pretty useless until the caffeine kicks in from the gallon of coffee I've already drunk, I decided to do what most people in my position would do: look busy by checking e-mail and surfing the web. It's amazing that any work gets done at all on Monday mornings. Anywhere.

So, I was scouring the web this morning and I came across something rather disturbing:

The William Shatner DVD Club.

Um, ok.


Get this:
"The iconic Captain Kirk has watched literally thousands of Sci-Fi, Horror, and Fantasy films and has selected his personal favorites for you. "

Yeah, right. I bet.

And this:
"You’ll receive gripping and enjoyable movies that most people haven’t heard of before, simply because they never received big marketing dollars or a broad studio release."

Marketing-speak for, "we're trying to get you to spend your hard-earned dollars on obscure B-movies that didn't receive 'big marketing dollars' for a reason. That reason being that they suck."

I'm as much of an sci-fi, fantasy, horror fan as the next geek, but come on.

I know, you're thinking, "Lex, your punchy today. Dude, you need sleep."

I couldn't agree more. If I actually had a real office then I'd shut the door and paste an, "In a Meeting, Do Not Disturb" sign on it. But, alas, I must persevere, subsisting on caffeinated beverages.



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