Sunday, March 05, 2006

Cats 'n' Racks

The wife is sitting beside me surfing some of her fav sites tonight while we're watching the Oscars, when she shows me this site called CuteOverload. It's a blog about cute animals....mostly kittens and such. Of course, the last time she showed me something like this it erupted into a controvery.

I was paying more attention to the Oscars than her insistence that I look at this kitten and that one. That was until she vistited a part of CuteOverload called Cats'n'Racks (4th from the top in the Categories list).

Yes, it is what you think. This part of the site is not very, um, filled out yet. But I'm hoping that it will be soon. Especially if I can convince her to submit a picture.

Although when I suggested that, I got "The Look". You know the one.



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