Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A huntin' we will go....

Last night I had one of those "snapshot" moments where I look at what I'm doing and can't believe that I'm doing what I'm doing.

I was lounging about on the couch watching the telly (that new show Supernatural is pretty darn good, btw...) and the Mrs. is on the floor reading the paper. Out of nowhere, Jack the Cat comes running into the room and jumps up on the back of one of the chairs and starts chittering at the ceiling.

So, of course, I look up. The ceiling is about 10 feet above where he's sitting and there's a tiny bug wait, actually, I take that back. There was a tiny bug just sitting up there minding his own buggy business and from some dark crevasse, Jack caught site of it and was bound and determined to have it, just like the scorpion.

I grab the Tivo remote and pause Supernatural (which I was really starting to get into) to watch Jack, who is getting more frustrated by the minute because he knows there is no way that he'll ever be able to get up there to get that bug...without help.

I know what's coming, but there's no way to get out of it.

I hear the wife say, "Well, help him out..." The next thing I know, I'm up grabbing the cat and holding him over my head toward the ceiling. The problem with this is that even at 6'3" I'm not tall enough. From the wife now comes, "Well, stand up on the chair." So, I crawl up on the chair and it's still no good as I sink into the thick cushion. She says, "Get up on the arms of the chair," as if I should have done that in the first place.

So, I step up on the arms of the chair and thrust Jack up over my head so he can reach the damn bug. All I can see is his fuzzy little ass and his tail which is whipping around as if wielded by some pissed off dominatrix. He makes a swipe at the bug and it falls, without putting up a fight whatsoever, right onto Jack's back paw where it balances precariously. One wrong move and it's going down my gullet, I just know it.

It was at that exact moment, with the cat over my head and me standing on the arms of the chair in my living room, that I realize that all of our window shades are open, it's dark outside, and we have a lot of lights on. Anyone witnessing this at that moment would likely say, in an Oklahoman twang, "What in thee hell is that boy doin' with that cat?"

I slowly lower Jack down onto the chair and step off onto the nice, solid floor. He's lost the bug temporarily, not realizing it came down on his back paw. But, it's on the chair too...not moving. He either had stunned it or it died moments before he got to it because it was out like a fat kid playing dodge ball.

Jack sat there and swiped an errant paw or two at it, but overall, I think he was disappointed. It didn't have any fight in it. And when you're a hunter like Jack, that's just no damn fun.



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